XtraMath Terms

XtraMath Icons

Answer Icons

These icons show how a student answered a specific question in a quiz or practice activity. They are used as feedback in the student activities, and also appear on the date report.



Answered correctly within the fluency threshold. This depends on the program but is 6 seconds by default.

Green Checkmark

Green Checkmark

Answered correctly, but beyond the fluency threshold.

Red X

Red X

Answered incorrectly. The incorrect answer entered is shown.

Blue hourglass

Blue hourglass

No response given before time ran out and the correct answer was shown.



Idle time after the correct answer was shown.

Daily Usage Icons

These icons are a quick indicator of how well a student did on that day. They are used on all of the reports.

Green Circle

Green Circle

Answered at least 90% correct.

Yellow square

Yellow square

Between 10% and 25% of questions incorrect, or answered too few questions.

Red octagon

Red octagon

Over 25% of questions incorrect, or answered very few questions.

Gray hexagon

Gray hexagon

Signed in, but has not completed a full XtraMath session.

Learn more: Why does the report show my student has “incomplete” sessions?

Student Status Icons

These icons show a student’s current XtraMath status for today. They appear on the Student and Classroom Sign In pages, and on the online class report.





These status icons correspond with the usage icons. A checkmark indicates the student has completed a session today. If a student’s current status is incomplete, it’s possible that they are working on XtraMath right now and just have not finished their session yet.

<aside> 💡 On a Sign In page, all checkmark icons displayed are green, for student privacy. In the online class report, the color and shape of the icon reflects the student’s performance.



The student has completed their program! If you want them to keep using XtraMath, you’ll need to assign them a new program.


Marked “busy” on the Classroom Sign In page.


Marked “absent” on the Classroom Sign In page.

Operation Icons